If you are submitting a full length manuscript, then you are welcomed to submit for consideration to be included in our 2026 and 2027 catalogs. 

If you are interested in your piece being considered for our novella or short story anthologies, then you are welcomed to submit now.

Please note that if you submitted to us and you have not heard back then that means your submission is still in the running. We do not respond until we either select a work for publication or we reject it because it either doesn't fit our catalog (ie: Running Wild Press publishes great stories with great writing that don't fit neatly in a box and RIZE publishes great genre stories written by people of color and underrepresented groups) or it needs work. 

All genres, all forms. Cross-genre encouraged.

Standard format guidelines.

Multiple submissions are fine.

Open to Alma Alumni and Students.

About Running Wild: Any genre. Memoir, biography, creative non-fiction. You wrote it. Let's chat. We are looking for great stories with great writing that don't fit neatly in a box - cross genre.

If you are submitting a graphic novel, if you happen to have the artwork or an artist in mind, then please include this in the submission. Unagented submissions are welcome.

We welcome work that crosses genres and time periods. We will also consider non-fiction or memoir from those who have a vivid concept and a strong platform. However, we are not accepting children’s books or graphic novels at this time.

Word Count: Submissions should fall between 50,000 – 125,000 words. Manuscripts below or above this range will not be considered.

Query Letter
Completed Manuscript
If the manuscript has series potential, please note that information in your query letter and provide a brief summary or outline for the sequels in a separate document.
We will disregard incomplete submissions.

About RIZE: The purpose of the RIZE Imprint is to ensure that writers of historically underrepresented backgrounds have their voices amplified—those backgrounds include, but are not limited to, people of color, the LGBTQIA+ communities, Indigenous communities, people with disabilities, and any other marginalized groups who want to share stories from their own perspective.

We are specifically looking for submissions from new and experienced non fiction and fiction writers of color—in the adult and young adult markets. We want works whose themes echo a call to action within and beyond the cultural community where each story is framed.

Unagented submissions are welcome.

Genres we acquire:

Action & Adventure

Crime & Mystery


Paranormal & Horror


Science Fiction


Women’s Fiction


Query Letter

Completed Manuscript

If the manuscript has series potential, please note that information in your query letter and provide a brief summary or outline for the sequels in a separate document.

We will disregard incomplete submissions.

Submission Process:

We will not select manuscripts that have been previously published, whether as a digital-only titles, traditional releases, self-publications, or free downloads on a commercial or private site.

Submit your original, unpublished manuscript via Submittable. We will not accept submissions via email. Unsolicited email submissions will be deleted. Be advised we are unable to provide immediate feedback on every manuscript, so please wait to hear from us. Allow up to eight weeks for a response.

You can submit up to four separate files. Submission should be .rtf, .doc, or .docx files. No .pdfs. 

Your query letter should include which imprint you are submitting to - Running Wild or RIZE - the manuscript’s title, genre, and word count as well as a book description and a short author biography. This is an opportunity to tell us about your work as an artist and the accomplishments you’ve made the writing field. Talk about your awards, publication credits, member organizations, social media following, et cetera. Please include your contact information—name, phone number, mailing address, email—on the query letter and all other submission documents.

Remember to revise and edit your work to the best of your ability prior to submission. Please double space your manuscript and include your name along with the page number in the running header. We encourage applicants to follow the manuscript guidelines suggested HERE.

Short stories under 15,000 words. Standard format.  We want your best cross genre works.

About: The purpose of the RIZE Imprint is to ensure that writers of historically underrepresented backgrounds have their voices amplified—those backgrounds include, but are not limited to, people of color, the LGBTQIA+ communities, Indigenous communities, people with disabilities, and any other marginalized groups who want to share stories from their own perspective.

We are specifically looking for submissions from new and experienced non fiction and fiction writers of color—in the adult and young adult markets. We want works whose themes echo a call to action within and beyond the cultural community where each story is framed.

Unagented submissions are welcome.

Genres we acquire:

Action & Adventure

Crime & Mystery


Paranormal & Horror


Science Fiction


Women’s Fiction

We welcome work that crosses genres and time periods. We will also consider non-fiction or memoir from those who have a vivid concept and a strong platform. However, we are not accepting children’s books or graphic novels at this time.

Send us your short stories with themes of rejuvenation and overcoming what's perceived as the unimaginable. All stories under 15,000 words. Standard format.   

All proceeds will be donated to Los Angeles wildfire relief efforts.

Running Wild & RIZE